Hi All,
Could someone please review a section on my site.
What is it?
We have a directory on our site that lists over 200 ppc search engine affilite programs and is still growing daily.
With most of the search engines listed with us, they offer between 60% - 90% of their bid amount. Most of the search engines pay their affiliates monthly or sooner and some even pays with a No Minimum Payout!!
If you are an affiliate interested in ppc search engine affiliate programs, and you were looking for more ppc search engine affiliate programs to join, could you please tell me what you think of my directory if you were to come accrossed it over the Net? Do it think it gives alot of good information about ppc search engines, do you think it gives more information than alot of other sites that list ppc search engine affiliate programs, etc?
The url to our PPC Search Engine Directory is http://www.simplysearch4it.com/webma/ppcse/affdir.php