Is lack of disc space and bandwidth limiting the amount of development you can focus on? If you are a SQL developer, software developer, IT consultant or an educator, get the most out of your SQL Server databases with M6.Net’s SQL-Kit plan. We take care of network administration so you have the space and time to concentrate on development. Bring your dreams to life and share your work with all of humanity in the growing Internet community.
If you are SQL Developer, Software Developer, IT consultant, educator get maximum flexibility with your SQL Server databases with our SQL-Kit plan. No need to limit your development because of space restriction. You concentrate on development and we will take care of network administration and security.Share your great product,dream with the rest of the human community on the Internet.
Special Offer! Limited time only: 14 months of hosting with every 12 month pre-paid Pro Developer account.
Also free domain with yearley packages!
$30.00 /mo, No set-up fee | Up to separate 25 domain
30 GB Storage (30000 MB)
650 GB (650,000 MB) Transfer
Server: Windows
Scripting:: ASP, ASP.NET Framework, CGI BIN, Perl, PHP
Database :: Unlimited My SQL, Unlimited MS-Access, 10 MS-SQL 2000
Web Email
Control Panel
FTP Logins
Custom Error pages
FrontPage extensions 24 hour unlimited FTP access
24 Hours support Mon-Fri, 8 Hours support on Sat
ASP Components: ASPmail, ASPImage, ASPsmartupload, ASPhttp, Jmail, ASPupload, and Your Custom components
Streaming Media
Raw Log File
There is 30 Day money back guarantee as well. For more details visit us at