Are there any other programs better or just as good as adsense that pays you just for clicks? Just for the cliks
Are there any other programs better or just as good as adsense that pays you just for clicks? Just for the cliks
There is some similar ones that I've seen, but I forgot what they were...
Searchfeed and RevenuePilot
Both pay per click in a similar fashion (not exactly the same though).
Chris, have you used either of the above? If so, do they perform anywhere near as good as Adsense?
I've used both, searchfeed is better.
They don't perform as well, but they perform, and in a different way.
Check out the "essay" link in the "Related Links" section. That is how I implement SearchFeed.
It is a text link, and I get to define the keyword. Those two features Adsense cannot do.
The text link takes up no real space, so its all additional advertising. I've been pulling in $20 a day from it. Not bad considering it is a tiny text link.
The link gets clicked on over 2000 times a day, and I get around 400 clicks on search results (the ones I actually get paid for).
Wow, some nice stats there. I clicked the link you mention and I like the way the URL remains part of your site,
How come the search returned no results, "No Results Found". Have you made some changes or something?
I'm in the UK and I don't :S
Don't you just love free internet games ?
I'm using IE6.
Don't you just love free internet games ?
IE6 on XP here.
Did you find out the problem Chris?
Also, do you know what the average PPC is for a normalish keyword?
Don't you just love free internet games ?