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Thread: @InvocableMethod Annotation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    @InvocableMethod Annotation

    I’m using the @InvocableMethod annotation in my Apex class to allow a Flow to update accounts, but I’m encountering an issue when trying to pass multiple input parameters. Salesforce is throwing an error saying, “Methods defined with @InvocableMethod must have a single parameter of type List.” How can I structure my method to accept multiple parameters, such as account names and industries, while adhering to the @InvocableMethod constraints? Here’s the code I’m working with during my Salesforce training in India, which isn’t functioning as expected:
    public with sharing class AccountUpdater {
        public static void updateAccounts(String accountName, String accountIndustry) { // Error: Multiple parameters not allowed
            List<Account> accountsToUpdate = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Name = :accountName];
            for (Account acc : accountsToUpdate) {
                acc.Industry = accountIndustry;
            update accountsToUpdate;
    How can I modify this code to meet the requirements of the @InvocableMethod annotation?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    To resolve the issue and adhere to the constraints of the @InvocableMethod annotation, which requires a single parameter of type List, you need to encapsulate the input parameters (accountName and accountIndustry) into a custom class. This custom class can then be passed as a single List parameter to the updateAccounts method.

    Here’s how you can modify your code:

    Solution: Use a Wrapper Class for Input Parameters

    public with sharing class AccountUpdater {
        // Wrapper class to encapsulate input parameters
        public class AccountUpdateRequest {
            @InvocableVariable(required = true)
            public String accountName; // Name of the Account
            @InvocableVariable(required = true)
            public String accountIndustry; // New Industry for the Account
        public static void updateAccounts(List<AccountUpdateRequest> requests) {
            // Collect account names from the requests
            Map<String, String> nameToIndustryMap = new Map<String, String>();
            for (AccountUpdateRequest request : requests) {
                nameToIndustryMap.put(request.accountName, request.accountIndustry);
            // Query Accounts based on provided names
            List<Account> accountsToUpdate = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name IN :nameToIndustryMap.keySet()];
            // Update the Industry field for the queried Accounts
            for (Account acc : accountsToUpdate) {
                acc.Industry = nameToIndustryMap.get(acc.Name);
            // Perform the DML update
            if (!accountsToUpdate.isEmpty()) {
                update accountsToUpdate;


    1. Wrapper Class:

    A public class AccountUpdateRequest is defined to hold the two input parameters (accountName and accountIndustry).

    The @InvocableVariable annotation is used to make the variables accessible to Salesforce Flow or Process Builder.

    2. Method Signature:

    The updateAccounts method now accepts a single List parameter of type AccountUpdateRequest, satisfying the constraints of the @InvocableMethod annotation.

    3. Processing the Input:

    The method iterates through the list of requests, creating a mapping of account names to industries.

    Accounts are queried based on the names provided in the requests.

    4. Updating Accounts:

    The industry of each account is updated based on the mapping, and then all updates are applied in a single DML statement.

    How to Use in Flow

    In the Flow, you can create a collection variable where each element is an instance of the AccountUpdateRequest class.

    Pass this collection to the updateAccounts method.

    This structure ensures that your method is compatible with the @InvocableMethod constraints while supporting multiple input parameters.


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