Question. Lets say i wanted to list the Directors for a movie, would i not just have to add a new line like such

elseif($d_ar[$j]['tag'] == 'Director'){$Director = $d_ar[$j]['value'];}

When I try and add that code into my code below it returns nothing or "array" and that is all. I am trying to display MORE dvd information, like stars, director, etc. using a hacked up version of AWS without much luck.. what am i missing?

for($i=0; $i<count($i_ar['Details']); $i++) { 
			if($d_ar[$i_ar['Details'][$i]]['type']=='open') { 
				for($j=$i_ar['Details'][$i]; $j<$i_ar['Details'][$i+1]; $j++) { 
					if    ($d_ar[$j]['tag'] == 'Asin') 					{$Asin = $d_ar[$j]['value'];}
					elseif($d_ar[$j]['tag'] == 'ProductName')			{$ProductName = $d_ar[$j]['value'];}
					elseif($d_ar[$j]['tag'] == 'ImageUrlLarge')			{$ImageUrlLarge = $d_ar[$j]['value'];}
					elseif($d_ar[$j]['tag'] == 'ListPrice')				{$ListPrice = $d_ar[$j]['value'];}
					elseif($d_ar[$j]['tag'] == 'OurPrice')				{$OurPrice = $d_ar[$j]['value'];}
					elseif($d_ar[$j]['tag'] == 'Availability')			{$Availability = $d_ar[$j]['value'];}
					elseif($d_ar[$j]['tag'] == 'Features')				{$Features[] = $d_ar[$j]['value'];}
					elseif($d_ar[$j]['tag'] == 'Manufacturer')			{$Manufacturer = $d_ar[$j]['value'];}
					elseif($d_ar[$j]['tag'] == 'ReleaseDate')			{$ReleaseDate = $d_ar[$j]['value'];}
					elseif($d_ar[$j]['tag'] == 'ProductDescription')	{$ProductDescription = $d_ar[$j]['value'];}
					elseif($d_ar[$j]['tag'] == 'AvgCustomerRating')		{$AvgCustomerRating = $d_ar[$j]['value'];}
					elseif($d_ar[$j]['tag'] == 'Rating')				{$Rating[] = $d_ar[$j]['value'];}
					elseif($d_ar[$j]['tag'] == 'Summary')				{$Summary[] = $d_ar[$j]['value'];}
					elseif($d_ar[$j]['tag'] == 'Comment')				{$Comment[] = $d_ar[$j]['value'];}

				$url = $d_ar[$i_ar['Details'][$i]]['attributes']['url'];