Hello Everybody:
I've been a Graphic and Web Designer now for about 4 years. In the past, (and today) I've always gone with Tripod, Geocities, and Anglefish for free Hosting. I'm at that point now were I need more than the free ones can offer me. I don't know about ASP, PHP, ASP.NET, Javascript, Coldfusion, Actionscript etc... but I do have a bigger website that I've made in Dreamweaver, with Flash buttons on it, and a "Forms" page. In the past when I put forms pages as a page on my websites they've never worked because the Host didn't support that.
What do most of you out there do?
1st pick the host, then according to the serverside scripting languages they support, go about making your websites. Or do you make your webistes and pick PHP, ASP, Coldfusion to use when making it in Dreamweaver, then go looking for a host that'll support it?
Will hosts help designers, (Like me) with the programing part of it all? or am I doomed to start buying and hitting the books to learn all about CGI's and serverside scripting laguages? Can you give me a "dividing line" (of sorts) for when a database is needed, and when it isn't.
Can you suggest a good cheap host for someone that just wants a forms page, (that works, where people can write what they think about my latest articles, and I can then read them) and some flash buttons. Would that need a "database" and would Access work for something like that? or do I have to go all the way with MySQL? and open up that whole kettle of worms?
if I don't want to become a programmer, how is it usually done?
a guy designs a website, then what? He hires a programer, or does the customer, and how do you go about charging for that? How can someone give an estimate thats even in the ball park, if he doesn't know what the programing is going to consist of? How do I know I'm not getting ripped off? If I wanted to sub out the PHP (programing part) to someone that knows about that? Do designers and Programmers usually work closely together like General Contractors and Architects do? Does one usually sugges the other? I'm confused about all this if I wanted to go out and get some "larger" clients to make websites for. I mean how does a web site designer make the jump from neighborhood pizza parlors, and ice cream vendors, to larger companies, with more inventory, that want to handle credit cards on their sites?