why we use Hash Tag in SEO ?
why we use Hash Tag in SEO ?
Hash tag helps your content find its targeted audience.
Using Hash tag text turns into hyperlink and wherever the post or content has contain the same text with hash tag. It will automatically fetch and come up after clicking on it.
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We use hash tag in social media platforms. Using hash tag it turns into hyperlink.
3 Key Marketing Strategies for Hashtags. Let's see here
Brand and campaign specific
Hash tag used to brand and campaign the specific tag used to make your own business market your brand and promotion,trending hash tag are hash tag topic become very popular,content hash tag are hash tag you use in your post it is an simple common hash tag related post your content.
These tags are mainly used for highlight the specific word, these will be helpful when you type specific word your post shown obviously...
Hashtags are used on social media post as it helps to find all related post at one place. It helps users to know that a post is associated with a word or phrase. It contributes to creating a trend for particular topic. Hashtags from SEO viewpoint is useful to increase the reach of a post one can take advantage of a trending topic.
Last edited by david smith; 04-14-2017 at 01:01 AM.
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Basically a hastag can be used as a tool to bring more traffic to your content especially if done with trending keywords which are getting a lot of searches and views. They can also be used by businesses and individuals online to identify their own brand image/credibility.
Hastags mostly used in social media. Hashtags most popular in twitter but now use everywhere. Now a day hashtags used in Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, and Facebook. And when a social media account has a lot of traffic this then provides exceptional SEO benefits to any linked websites associated. One way to boost both your external sites SEO and the algorithm of the social media page is to allow facebook commenting on content within the website as visitors click on the link in their news feed.
Use of Hash Tags in SEO works like the same when we use Hash Tags in Social Media. it is just like creating a specific page for that particular word in in social media. Now a days the use of hash tags is like an update to the seo. There are many benefits of hash tags just like it will increase the reach of the content, help you to target the right audience and many more... So it is advisable to now use hash tags...
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They are used to define trending keywords
Hash tag represents something important and it's a easy way make something viral and trending topic in social media.
I use hash tag to express something happening in my life, like attending a dj party, cricket match etc.,