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Thread: Captions under Photos?

  1. #1
    Junior Registered
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    Oct 2008

    Captions under Photos?

    Have about 15 photos (thumbnail size) that I want to put captions under, but for whatever reason I having a difficult time. Put them in tables at first, and that didn't work....

    Any suggestions? My code looks like this

    <img src="images/IMG_2776smaller.jpg" width="340" height="225" border="4px" color="white">
    <img src="images/IMG_2442smaller.jpg" width="340" height="225" border="4px" color="white">
    <img src="images/IMG_2393smaller.jpg" width="340" height="225" border="4px" color="white">

    <img src="images/shootingsmaller.jpg" width="340" height="225" border="4px" color="white">
    <img src="images/with-camerasmaller.jpg" width="340" height="225" border="4px" color="white">
    <img src="images/faysanfran.jpg" width="340" height="225" border="4px" color=

  2. #2
    Administrator Chris's Avatar
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    I generally use divs for captions

    <div style = "usually a border of some such type, and a background shade a little darker than the rest of the page, and of course caption text styling">
    <img style = "display: block">
    Caption here
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  3. #3
    Quahog's Most Wanted Dan Schulz's Avatar
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    What is the finished page going to look like? Depending on how the content is organized on the page, I may end up recommending a table (if the content is best suited for tabular data) or possibly a list (if it's list based content).
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  4. #4
    Junior Registered nevillep's Avatar
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    Captions Under Images

    Hi Barnum
    I agree with the method that Chris uses for displaying the caption of the image, however I have another way which will allow the user know the image name when the mouse cursor is moved over the image and also display the title / Caption as well as allow the user to save the images (download) on thier disk. The Code is listed below :
    <img src="image name.extn" alt="[name / Caption]" height="120" width="140"></img>
    <caption align="bottom">[name / Caption]</caption>
    Regards and Thanks

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