Hi all,

I primarily do affiliate marketing but I figure the site I'm going to launch does similar traffic to some publishers. I am having trouble figuring out if I should stick with shared hosting or move to VPS.

First, my sites are fairly static PHP pages (simple page, stylesheet) with on dynamically pulled content. However, I will be adding some MySQL lookup/logging - essentially to track search keywords and phrases. Each hit to a page will result in a db lookup and potentially a very small insert.

To start, I anticipate at least 2000 uniques but not many more hits (say 3000-4000) per day. However, I expect I can ramp that up to 10K uniques/day pretty quickly. I know these are not large numbers but I am unsure of the MySQL performance.

Based on crawling through the net and various forums, it seems like once you pass 2K uniques, you should consider VPS or dedicated. However, considering how simple my page is, I'm just not sure. I was hoping someone that does a lot of PHP with simple MySQL can give me some advice.
