Not everywhere... Look around for a bit. You'll see real ads.
Type: Posts; User: Kyle; Keyword(s):
Not everywhere... Look around for a bit. You'll see real ads.
I just did...
in google.
Very sexy... :)
Why not use them....
Every little bit helps. They won't annoy users like popups.
How much traffic do you receive?
It appears the biggest thing this google update has done is lower the value of anchor text on internal links.
Example: Search google on led flashlight. ThinKGeek was #1... cause they have a...
Keywester - I agree completely. I've noticed similar issues as you have explained. Also, I still notice lots of completely bogus results. Results that make absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Yahoo is pretty fair at accepting quality sites in my opinion.
Cloughie, you shouldn't have any worries about getting AtLargeNutrition accepted.
Certain places use direct deposit now, or even paypal. which is very nice... I know has direct deposit.
I've never gotten a notifaction, and have done 20-30 submissions.
After reading more of the annoying chaos at WebmasterWorld, GoogleGuy may be hinting that the update is about over. I hope not... there is still garbage results for certain SERPs.
I'd bet a lot of these traffic packages involve lots of popups...
Imagine if a visitor comes to your site through a popup. And then, your site has popups of its own. And those popups are advertising...
That's what is going on, a Google update.
Problem is that it appears they're changing their algorithm, and using old data. However, this has happened before, and they will bring the new data in...
Yah, I'm reading the huge thread over at WebmasterWorld now.
Just like their update back in July, which eventually was fine.
I'm not worried, yet. :)
Traffic over all my sites is down almost 50%,...
Anyone noticing any weird google stats today?
Like, your site dropping from listings on certain keywords you used to score well with, then coming back.
Or just an overall real low day of Google...
As good as the rest.
It's all about what the goal of your site is. If you want customer confidence, you should go with a .com. I would say, use .info for sites that offer information, like reference...
I thought everyone would find this site interesting.
Their Alexa Rank is 8,806.
Doing an at Google produces 24,700 results.
I'm a little confused on these programs.
Do they only allow text based links to a new page of search engine listings? Or, can we deliver 3 or 4 search engine listings directly on our sites just...
Google AdSense offers text advertisements that are clickable on your site. For example, the vertical ad offered by Google displays up to 4 advertisements. Can SearchFeed do this also? Where the ads...
Thank you.. that's extremely helpful!
Is there no way to just block *.php?
My site just got listed into the Health/Mental Health cateogry at DMOZ.
It took exactly 2 months (give or take 1 day).
Pretty quick. The new is very useful.
I'm sure I could figure this out on my own, I just wanted to be 5000% sure I do this right.
How would my robots.txt file look if I wanted to block .php extensions from being crawled by all search...
I was denied the first time for my site
I emailed Google and asked them why, and mentioned how my site met and exceeded their terms & conditions (original content, no other...
Good job with the PR 7 on