View Full Version : OK, I know, I'm stuid. Can you explain this?

12-24-2007, 07:19 PM
Why are there different addresses for the same page?


What is the purpose of each?
Can this hurt PR because backlinks are going to 4 seperate pages?
Can this cause any other problems?
If this can cause any kind problem, how do you fix it?

12-25-2007, 05:49 AM
Seems as though it's just been set up so mod_rewrite allows the homepage to be accessed through several locations; I can't really think of a reason why someone would want to do this, but if there were some sort of script they were running that would require the page to be there I could understand... otherwise, it seems pretty pointless.

As for PR, I think Google's smart enough to recognize the same page under different URL's but it's not something that should be counted on as a definite. I'd recommend linking to ONE single URL and 301 Permanent Redirecting the other pages to it--the ideal URL is the first.