View Full Version : TOTAL newbie desperate 4 advice on video ads/platforms

04-19-2007, 10:21 PM
I'm so glad I found this site...seems like some great people are here.

About me:

I have a website idea in mind and have worked out a rough proposal with a web designer. My site will feature humorous video clips that I will continually produce and upload myself.

For starters, I'd like to have post-roll or creative in-video ads (pre-roll ads will probably annoy people from watching my short clips).

Can you recommend a method for me to go about this? So far I've found Brightcove but have a lot reservations about them. For one, I don't think they are serving enough ads yet. Two, they don't let free account publishers control what ads they get. Three, they take a cut out of the ad sales for themselves (which I have no idea how much that would be compared to other options). On the pro side, they host videos for free, have great video quality, and will automatically take care of ad sales.

I've also read about brightroll, videoegg, advertising.com, rightmedia and bluelithium.

Then there's also blip.tv, I'm not even sure how I can utilize them.

Sorry this is all over the place, but my mind is spinning and I have no idea which way to go! :crash:

Todd W
04-19-2007, 11:28 PM
I believe adbrite.com has video ads now. For txt ads they are not that great as far as high-payout but they do pay on time and everytime.

If you are making your own videos and uploading them yourself you could eventualy get some advertising customers yourself and make your own slide of ads to show before your video.

Let me know what you find out I have a couple video sites and have a few more in the works :)


04-20-2007, 07:23 AM
I don't really have any info for you, but I'm currently looking for a good video ad network myself. Please let me know if you find a good one and I'll do the same!

04-20-2007, 03:24 PM
Valueclick do video ads, but they only have a few campaigns (seems like only MS Office paying $11.25 eCPM and a Ford dealer paying $12.50 eCPM)