View Full Version : Basics

06-21-2006, 09:10 PM
Goin back to the basics

what is it that actually makes you show up for the words or string you want is it the title?

for example i used to have a weight loss site, that someone made for me and the way i was taught was to come up with a string of keywords like this

weightloss diet pill blah blah blah

and the better you move up in the rankings the higher you show up for less words eventualyl showin up for weightloss. My question is where in my site do i actually put the text or w/e i need so i show up for the words i want ex. Night life, clubbing etc etc. In the title tag? or put the actual string of words on the bottom of the site?

06-21-2006, 11:06 PM
Its not so much what your keywords are as to what keywords people are using linking to you. You do what them in the title because thats what will show up in the SERPs.

This will also vary by search engine, I've noticed keyword stuff in domain, url, etc. helps rank for MSN -- or at least it has for the past year and a half. These same strategies can "sandbox" you in Google.

06-22-2006, 07:44 AM
There are many possible ranking factors (http://www.seomoz.org/articles/search-ranking-factors.php). Different search engines emphasize different factors (http://www.seobook.com/relevancy/).

Rather than try to rank for a whole bunch of keywords, or to try and rank for random combinations of words, I think its better to pick one keyword phrase, or a couple overlapping, closely related phrases and optimize one page for that phrase.