View Full Version : Blog Adsense Ad Placement

05-17-2006, 09:43 PM
I am just in the finishing stanges of the design for a new blog Im starting. Before I start cutting images up I wouldn't mind checking out some blogs that have really well placed adsense ads so I can get some ideas about where I am going to run ads.

Does anyone have some good links I can check out?

05-18-2006, 12:19 PM
My gardening blog has a nice CTR, but traffic is too low to be statistically significant.

Looking back 6 months, my best CTR site, by far, is SavvyShopping.net

Notice in the main content section on article pages there is 3 ad units for a total of 12 ads.

I don't seperate out the performance of each placement for this site, but the overall CTR is really really good. Almost double digit.