View Full Version : Question about Adsense

03-06-2006, 06:15 AM
Hi fellows,

I got my adsense application approved, they gave me 3 step process to
complete the process of uploading the Adsense on my website. I am confused about the las step which says the following:

STEP 3: See the results.
After your ads start running, you can see your earnings at any time by
checking the online reports in your account. Please note that you might
not maximize your earnings from AdSense if you have any of the
following on your website:
* robots.txt
* frames
* forms and dynamic content
* excessive images
* login and password requirements

My website has dynamic content and I also have "Robots.txt" in my website
root directory. Why does this affect the Adsense earnings ?

Thanks in advance

03-06-2006, 06:29 AM
If you have a robots.txt file that prevents robots from indexing some pages then the AdSense robot will not visit those pages and they will not get targeted AdSense ads.

Dynamic content can be hard for AdSense to target especially if there are unique URLs everytime someone visites (e.g. a session ID in the URL).

03-06-2006, 06:40 AM
There are some files/folders that are excluded, so Adsense Robots will also
exclude those files. Is that correct ? but what about when I finish the contents of those exluded folders and re-submit to the search engine, will the Adsense Robots index those pages as well ?

Thanks in advance


03-06-2006, 06:55 AM
Yes if you exclude folders via the robots.txt file AdSense will not be able to target ads to webpages in those folders. Once you have removed the exclusion from your robots.txt file, AdSense will begin to index those pages on its next visit (this may take a few weeks).