View Full Version : Adsense Question

10-26-2005, 09:23 PM
Anybody know why Adsense reports show clicks but no earnings? Why is that? So can I bid $0.00 to have my ad placed on a site? Cuz that is what it is like. I have clicks on my site today at a clip of 2% conversion but no payout. What gives? Anybody else see this happen?

10-26-2005, 09:37 PM
Uhhhhhh what?
I'm confused as to what you're trying to say. AdSense doesn't involve bidding, and AdWords, if that's what you mean, doesn't directly earn you money.

If you've gotten clicks on your site, but aren't earning money from them, it could be that you've got Public Service Announcement advertisements (things like charities) running on your website, which you don't earn money on--although, I'm not sure whether or not those would show conversion.

10-26-2005, 09:51 PM
This could also mean invalid clicks. Anyways, it's in your best interest to report it to Google Adsense

10-27-2005, 10:53 AM
What I was trying to say, James, was that I didn't receive income for clicks. I received zero dollars or cents. In other words, someone got their site advertised and even got a visitor(s) but didn't have to pay for it. What I was trying to insinuate is could I advertise with AdWords for $0.00. The sarcasm didn't come across during the message. But if you think about it -- if you get clicks on Adsense and don't receive any compensation, then someone received free advertisement.

10-27-2005, 11:05 AM
Did you happen to click and ad? Did one of your visitors click alot of your ads? Did one visitor click an ad a few times? It could be any of those things and if google thinks they are invalid clicks then you don't get paid.