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View Full Version : Help with Google

09-18-2003, 10:06 AM
I've made a site about digital cameras back in April. I tried to follow most of advice I read from Chris but have had very little success with Google. Most of my traffic is coming from MSN as I've been very lucky with Zeal. I get about 300 uniques a day and less than 10 % are from Google. :(

I've submitted to dmoz and haven't heard back yet. I've managed to get links by a few sites. I'm working on getting more links but I wonder what more I could do regarding the site itself that I myself can do?

The site is http://www.digital-camera-buying-guide.com

09-18-2003, 11:31 AM
It looks good. What keywords are you targetting?

Your PR of 5 is good, but not good enough if you're targetting "Digital Camera" keywords. On Google the #1 site has a 6. You need more incoming links.

If you're targetting "Digital Camera" and not "Digital Cameras" your site is great.

One thing I would do, is remove the "Reviews" from the anchor text of your review links. So turn "Canon Digital Cameras Reviews" into "Canon Digital Cameras." Not only is it grammatically correct but it should help you get ranked on more general terms.

From a money making/traffic standpoint this page:


Has the most potential because I am willing to be that "Digital Camera reviews" gets searched for far more often than "digital camera buying guide."

I'd also make your site's name "Digital Camera Buying Guide"

Having "Digital Camera Buying Guide, Tips, Comparisons and Reviews" is just too long and it lowers your overall effectiveness. Instead of being real effective for "Digital Camera Buying Guide" you're hardly effective for a wider range of keywords. Its better to be on the first page for 1 word than to be on the 10th page for 10 words.

For the other keywords -- that is what your subpages are for, as I mentioned above. In other words pick one phrase to go for with your homepage, and relegate the other phrases to your subpages.

Otherwise you've got a great site there. Just infuse some more PageRank and you should start doing well.

Also, in the meantime, Google Adsense advertisements might be a decent way to make some cash.

Good work man. You just need more links is all.

09-18-2003, 11:33 AM
Besides "digital camera buying guide", what keywords were you optimizing for?

09-18-2003, 12:01 PM
I am willing to be that "Digital Camera reviews" gets searched for far more often than "digital camera buying guide."
I've been exploring "digital camera" keywords on wordtracker this week. Ya, "digital camera buying guide" is not a popular keyword for the category.

"digital camera reviews" gets a ton of seaches but the top two site on Google are PR 7 and 6, respectivly. Very tough to crack that.

However, the top 3 sites for "digital camera ratings" all have PR 5, just like you emke, so that would be very doable (and your site is superior design/layout-wise to all 3). Plus, "digital camera ratings" gets a good amount of searches.

09-18-2003, 12:02 PM
So maybe switch "comparisons" to "ratings" then.

09-18-2003, 12:54 PM
Thanks for your suggestions. I'll fix them right away.

I'm having problems with getting more links but hopefully it'll pick up. Any tips for getting more links? :)

P.S. I tried to target mostly "digital camera"

09-18-2003, 01:03 PM

You could put up Adsense banners, make some cash, then use that to pay for a Yahoo listing.

09-18-2003, 02:07 PM
You need to add some text to your "Digital Camera Reviews" page too.

09-18-2003, 02:50 PM
Thanks Chris! I think I've now done all the things you have suggested.

The reason why I haven't opted for Adsense banners yet is that I'm hoping that I will get included into DMOZ soon and I think I have a better chance of getting included without ads.

Johan H
09-18-2003, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by emke
Thanks Chris! I think I've now done all the things you have suggested.

The reason why I haven't opted for Adsense banners yet is that I'm hoping that I will get included into DMOZ soon and I think I have a better chance of getting included without ads.

You could always try to give the editor a e-mail.

09-18-2003, 04:05 PM
You should still change your graphical header to reflect your new title.

On your digital camera reviews page add the actual phrase "Digital camera reviews" a few more times.

09-19-2003, 10:56 AM
Again thanks for your suggestions Chris. I really appreciate you helping me.

I managed to get one more PR 4 link today. If only DMOZ would add me (PR 5) it would be great and I could put up Adsense banners and hopefully earn enough for a Yahoo listing. Hope the traffic from Google will pick up now.

09-19-2003, 11:01 AM
It'd be nice to hear how these changes effect your traffic in the next few months...