View Full Version : Have you ever used Kubernetes cloud solutions?

06-19-2019, 11:25 PM
I have been learning towards Kubernetes for many times and now I discovered this: https://jelastic.com/kubernetes-hosting/
It seems these guys have made their homework and now offer ready to use Kubernetes hosted solution including pay as you use system, auto scaling (horizontal and vertical) and lots of preinstalled components.
Have you ever used this?
Is that worth to try?

06-21-2019, 12:21 PM
Check out deals from rockhoster.com and legionbox.com.
They have top-notch customer service, responding to trouble tickets immediately and consistently. Contact them directly.

06-26-2019, 02:20 AM
As I know, Jelastic.com help for provision purpose-driven disposable clusters allowing full ownership and avoiding resource conflicts between development teams.
Their system makes hourly measures how many RAM and CPU inside each container are consumed and requests the payment only for these used resources but not for the limits.