View Full Version : What is the benefit of promoting a brand name?

Nexevo Technologi
03-22-2016, 06:10 AM
What is the benefit of promoting a brand name?

10-19-2016, 04:16 AM
The main benefit of promoting brand name is familiarity,extensions,low marketing expenses,less risk.

10-20-2016, 01:51 AM
Personally, I think Brand on titles is good for the following
1. Brand Exposure (User point of view)
2. Reputation Management (Google point of view)
So I'd keep the brand in the title of the website. It depends on what your main focus is, User or Google.

10-22-2016, 12:32 AM
if you are promoting/creating a brand then no need to do search engine marketing or social media marketing and with branding you will get longer business.

04-12-2017, 10:17 PM
Some of the main benefits of branding in the business perspective are increase the trust,improve the customer loyalty,It need only less expense...

david smith
04-13-2017, 12:41 AM
A brand is a well-established product or service, and some of the benefits of promoting a brand name are:

It creates distinct and durable perceptions in the mind of customers.
It is a unique business identity that associated with quality, personality and liking, etc.
It is recognition and customer loyalty.
People identify a brand to reliable and robust.