View Full Version : Google bot using multiple sessions.

Dan Morgan
03-29-2004, 04:04 PM
Does GB create different instances or sessions when it visits?

My stats are not great how ever my cms has a users currently online indicator in the admin pages. Currently this sites around 5 - 10 at a time however yesterday and today I noticed that randomly it shot up to 45 or so. Would Google create different sessions and therefore show up as multiple users.

Hope it clicks on a few adsense ads while its here...

I thought that maybe yesterday I scored a mention or a high profile link but I checked my logs and no referring urls correspond to that amount of traffic and are new referrings I have not seen.

03-29-2004, 04:07 PM
Not just Google, but most SEs behave like that.

Dan Morgan
03-29-2004, 04:28 PM
Thanks Chris.

I guess I am glad - that means it is accessing quite a few pages (well 45 is quite a few to me) or could it find itself at the same place in some of its travels??

03-29-2004, 04:32 PM
No, they won't overlap that much. Maybe on main/home pages but thats it.